Thursday, March 19, 2015

Today's headlines from CNN

Today's headlines from CNN
Hunt for suspects linked to Tunisia museum attack that killed 19
The hunt is on for three suspects whom the Tunisian government says are linked to the deadly terrorist attack at a museum in the North African nation's capital.

Obama: Maybe it's time for mandatory voting
How do we offset the influence of big money in politics while fixing the country's abysmal voter turnout rate?

Reports: Death threats against Amb. Caroline Kennedy in Japan
Japanese authorities are investigating death threats against the American ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy, according to Japanese media reports and international wire services.

Powerful solar storm sparks stunning aurora around the world
A severe solar storm created a stunning display of light in the night sky over parts of the United States, Europe, Australia and New Zealand early Wednesday morning, spotted by those lucky enough to be awake in the wee hours.

Rape, nude photos, racist behavior: Do fraternities make men behave badly?
Despite roots in community service and brotherhood, inappropriate behavior at fraternities can be so common that often, no one blinks an eye.

Chris Borland, 24, to retire from NFL, cites fear of concussions
It was a ding, just a "minor concussion," that got Chris Borland thinking that playing football might not be worth the millions that come with being an NFL player.

Israel election: Netanyahu claims victory as main rival concedes
Benjamin Netanyahu appears poised to keep his job as Israel's Prime Minister, declaring victory Wednesday following a bitter campaign punctuated by his last-minute appeals to right-wing voters.

Ski star Lindsey Vonn wins record downhill title
Lindsey Vonn lifted her crystal globe prize with pride after winning the World Cup downhill title for a seventh time, Wednesday.

Vanuatu: Before and after Tropical Cyclone Pam
On a quest for what he described as "a Hawaii without hotels, a Bali before burger joints" CNN's Bill Weir came upon the enchanting South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu.

Burial site of 'Don Quixote' author Miguel de Cervantes confirmed
"In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd," wrote Miguel de Cervantes, the Shakespeare of Spain. And the quest to find his remains has sometimes seemed both, even (dare one say it) quixotic in a time of recession. But forensic scientists have persevered, and appear to have triumphed.

FBI lets suspects go to protect 'Stingray' secrets
The FBI has a secret device to locate criminal suspects, but it would apparently rather let suspects go free than reveal in court any details of the high tech tracker.

Target hack victims could get up to $10,000
Target is proposing to pay customers who suffered from a 2013 data breach up to $10,000 each in damages.

Extended breastfeeding linked to higher IQ and income in study
"Breast is best" -- you could call it a mantra of sorts that sums up much of today's research on breastfeeding.

How to help your hangover
Here's the secret to avoiding a hangover this holiday.

Silicon Valley to millennials: Drop dead
We have no problem taking Wall Street executives to task for decisions that leave American families financially devastated, yet we give Silicon Valley billionaires a pass when they do the same thing. America needs to realize that instead of creating jobs, Silicon Valley is erasing them, leaving millennials financially stranded before their careers can get off the ground.

30 years of .com
There's a bit of video that goes around the Internet every so often, showing a couple of clueless 1990s television hosts trying to decipher the mysteries of the Internet.

A night with Bill Cosby: It's complicated
Don't get it twisted: Bill Cosby is not going to let you tell his story for him.

Marvin Gaye's children: What our father would say about lawsuit
Marvin Gaye's children have penned an open letter in the hope of "set[ting] the record straight on a few misconceptions" in the media's coverage of their successful lawsuit against the writers of Robin Thicke's 2013 hit "Blurred Lines."

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